Ah,  New Year’s resolutions. We make them and we break them. Should we keep this tradition alive? Here are some reasons why New Year’s resolutions can still be helpful.

Symbolic Fresh Start

The start of a new year symbolizes a clean slate and a fresh beginning. Many people see it as an opportunity to leave behind the challenges and mistakes of the previous year and start anew with a positive mindset.


The transition from one year to the next often prompts individuals to reflect on their lives, values, and priorities. This reflection can lead to a desire for positive changes or improvements in different aspects of life.

Cultural and Social Influence

The tradition of making resolutions has become deeply ingrained in many cultures. Social pressure and the shared experience of setting goals for the new year can motivate individuals to participate in the practice.

Goal-setting and Self-improvement

New Year’s resolutions are often centered around the idea of self-improvement. People set goals related to health, fitness, personal development, relationships, and other areas with the intention of becoming a better version of themselves.

Optimism and Hope

The beginning of a new year is associated with a sense of optimism and hope for the future. Setting resolutions can be a way for individuals to express their belief in positive change and personal growth.

Tradition and Ritual

For many, making resolutions is a longstanding tradition that may be passed down through generations. Engaging in this ritual can provide a sense of continuity and connection to cultural practices.

It’s important to note that while making New Year’s resolutions can be a positive and motivating activity, the success of these resolutions often depends on factors such as realistic goal-setting, commitment, and the development of sustainable habits. Many people find success in setting smaller, achievable goals and maintaining a consistent effort throughout the year.